Next morning, for about half an hour, we queued for the Cable car at the turnaround right in front of our hotel entrance, until we realized we needed to get a ticket which was sold at a ticket booth at the corner of Powell and market. So we queued again at the ticket counter while our fruitarian social vegan remained in line for the cable car. Just two blocks away we alighted, without punching our tickets, and we strolled along O'Farrell, until little sister excitedly exclaimed she saw the sign of the dawn of a new era, a vegan golden era..

We were guests again in this fabulous place, seated at the table of honour, with a special Celestial Lamp hovering over our head and blessing us. We had rendezvous with an old friend and the owner of the shop whom we had met the night before at the mall. He is a generous man as we knew him so many years before, always kind, and the epitome of hard work and great dedication. The reputation of the shop preceded him and we felt warmth at his welcome.

We ordered many dishes and spoke of old times and new times. Many things have changed, but the people we knew remained the same.

Special cake treats were ordered to the delight of little sister, and many rounds of Chinese tea were served. Soon we had to bid farewell to the Golden Era and be on the road again.