All sets come with soup, and vegetable garnishing with freshly cooked brown rice. The brown rice is tossed up so it is soft and Q to taste.
Why eat animals when you can spare them their lives, give them dignity to live as we want our lives to be spared ? They are no different from us, even if we may look bigger or have a better brain.. The moment we eat animals, we became beasts.. we no longer are the children of God.. The moment we KILL, we lost our innocence and become eligible as criminals or inhabitants of hell, and that is a very scary thought..
Walk talk, live noble, eat right !!

All food and drink are alcohol and animal free at Loving Hut, so they are halal and our Malay friends can enjoy them too !!

It's december now and the SOS bus ads are still running. Catch 131 to Loving Hut BMC if you are working down town, or by train to Redhill MRT and transfer to 132.
May God bless you with abundance as you change to the noble vegan diet to help right the wrong we created that is destroying our world day by day..
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